Why Partner with S. Nicole
Partnering with S. Nicole saves you money.
Since we are independent contractors, you don’t need to worry about payroll taxes, vacation pay, sick days, worker’s compensation or employee benefits such as health and dental insurance.
At S. Nicole, we use our time efficiently.
Since you only contact us when you have a task that needs to be completed, there is never any down time. Unlike traditional employees, you are NOT paying for personal phone calls, surfing the internet, chatting with co-workers or coffee breaks. Time is billed in fifteen-minute increments, and we are 100% focused on your project during billable time. That being said, we can generally complete the same task in a fraction of the time.
S. Nicole works around your schedule to provide you service whenever you need it.
Think of us as your “on-call” go-to team. No need to hire part-time employees and hope you have enough work to keep them busy for the hours they work. With a virtual assistant you only pay for time spent on YOUR project AND work can be done outside normal business hours.
Utilizing S. Nicole’s services will allow you more time to focus on strategic planning to grow your business.
We can take on every day essential tasks you don’t have time for. Focus on growing your business and stop worrying about all the other day-to-day tasks. You really don’t have to do it all! Our logo contains a palm leaf which symbolizes victory, triumph, and peace. We hope that by utilizing our services, you will experience all these transformative elements in your life.
When you partner with S. Nicole allows your business to use the services of the same person on a consistent basis.
You don’t have to worry about someone new “learning” your business or how you like projects to be handled. No more dealing with minimally skilled temps or employee turnover. As entrepreneurs, the quality of our work is of the utmost importance to us, and we always strive to provide you with superior service so that we can maintain a long-term professional relationship.
S. Nicole is fully equipped to handle your business at no additional cost to you.
Not only do we have extensive knowledge of all things administrative, but we also possess an abundance of software and equipment including the Microsoft Office Suite (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, and MS Outlook), QuickBooks, Canva, as well as many other software programs that will help us manage your business in the most efficient way.
Most importantly, we are REALLY good at what we do.